1. Avoid intentionally delaying responses to potential clients or customers. If you do so by mistake, apologize promptly.

Speed and availability are important for business owners; bridging this gap can set you apart.

2. Do not ask a potential client or customer to reach out to you when they express interest in your product or service.

Take the initiative to engage with them.

3. Avoid asking a potential client or customer to send you a direct message (DM) for prices unless your pricing is based on customization.

If this is the case, clearly explain why you need them to contact you privately.

4. Provide comprehensive details about what you’re selling in your posts. Don’t force customers to ask questions that should have been addressed initially.

It’s a poor business practice.

5. Refrain from adding “NO REFUNDS” to your bio. This isn’t a business strategy; it scares away potential customers.

6. Never throw insults at people on your page or engage in any cyber conflict. If someone is offensive, remove or block them rather than responding negatively.

Maintain a positive image, as potential clients are always watching.

7. Avoid using language that suggests you’re unreliable, incompetent, or untrustworthy.

Words are powerful, and potential clients take them seriously.

8. Always deliver on promises when someone recommends or vouches for you. Failing to do so damages your reputation and harms the recommender’s credibility.

This discourages online recommendations and hurts trust.

9. Do not use money paid for a product or service until delivery is complete and the customer is satisfied.

I think it’s important to adhere to this principle.

10. Do not promote your product or service in the comment section of someone else’s paid ads. This damages your brand and is unethical.

Please follow these ten guidelines to help you succeed both online and offline.

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